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Six Figures: Mixing Friendship & Business
Co-authored by Gina McAndrew

When six professional women, hailing from different states, backgrounds, and age groups, meet “by accident” at a conference, they discover they have more in common, and much more in life experience to share, than any of them could have imagined.

In chapter after chapter, Gina McAndrew and these friends/colleagues—all of them leaders in business training, often working together in presentations—not only tell stories from their personal lives, but also draw lessons from them that apply to the business world.

Many readers of Six Figures have said how much they identify with the authors because of the ups and downs they share in this book. You will too, as you join them on their journeys of self-discovery that lead to lasting friendship and business success.

Take Flight with Your Life
By Barbara Parsons and Stephanie Burk
with input from Gina McAndrew

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Have you read self-help books that tell you that you need a new attitude, that you should increase your self-esteem or stop being angry, without any indication of how to achieve those goals? By introducing the Life Enrichment Process, this book tells you HOW.

Learn how to:

  • Change your thinking and become the creator of the life you have always wanted
  • Connect with your inner wisdom
  • Realize your goals and create the perfect relationships
  • Improve your financial portfolios
  • And achieve other results you previously thought were not possible